Love from the Tully Hill Kitchen

Brianna Gignilliat
June 28, 2023

Preparing good, healthy food is crucial for patients who are undergoing alcohol and substance abuse recovery. It is an essential aspect of the recovery process that helps patients restore their physical health and build a strong foundation for their mental well-being. By consuming nutrient-rich foods, patients can replenish their bodies with essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and body. In addition, eating healthy foods can help individuals maintain stable blood sugar levels, which can reduce cravings. Overall, incorporating healthy eating habits is a valuable component of a successful recovery journey.

We love to promote health and self love from our kitchen!

Preparing meals with love and care is a valuable gift that we offer to our patients.
On Wednesday mornings, Chef Robert and the Tully Hill Kitchen Crew  teach patients how to cook creatively in the kitchen.
Chef Robert has created cooking demo recipes that are cost-effective and use only a few ingredients and a lot of care.

From homemade ricotta gnocchi to rice Arancini.
Patients can watch, take notes, and participate in the cooking demo each week.

Here are some simple ways to practice self-care at home.

1. Cook your favorite meal: Prepare a dish that you absolutely love or try one of our low-cost, high-reward recipes and savor every bite.

2. Experiment with new recipes: Trying out new recipes can be fun and exciting! Especially with the easy access to so many resources online. If online is not your thing, try your local library and get inspired in the cooking section, or ask a family member to share the recipe of loved dish.

3. Get organized: Keeping your kitchen clean and organized can help reduce stress and make cooking more enjoyable.

4. Treat a loved one by sharing a meal. Often times in recovery we are encouraged to find ways to be of service. Preparing a meal for delivery or to be enjoyed together is a great opportunity to connect and be of service.

5. Play some music or podcast while you cook, make the experience enjoyable and take your time.

Maggie Hartnett
Digital Marketing Specialist

Maggie joined Tully Hill in April, 2023. Her Master’s Degree in Literacy and her experience in Digital Marketing assist Maggie in her vision to invite our community members in need of support and guidance to the safety of Tully Hill.