Letters From Our Alumni

Brianna Gignilliat
July 12, 2023

We asked our incredible Tully Hill Alumni to share their experience, strength and hope.

We were so overwhelmed with the care and love in each response,

We wanted to share them with you too.


Question to our Alumni:

What would you tell Patients before they go back home?

“Take the experience you learn, the knowledge, the skills, all the tools you are given and implement them with a day by day, moment by moment attitude and you will be successful.”

“Have a meeting scheduled before you go home. It took me 3 tries at rehab because I didn’t take the suggestion seriously. Everyone is different but I know for me when I got home I wanted a break and didn’t go to meetings like I should and picked up within days. My sobriety date is now 8/27/2019 I am grateful to have started my journey at Tully Hill! “

“90 in 90 Thanks for saving my life!”

“Don’t let this rehab experience be the last thing you do for your recovery or for yourself. Do more everyday, especially at Tully.

Lay the groundwork for what comes next. “