
A happy, healthy, sober life is possible.

At Tully Hill, we know and understand what addiction does to individuals and their families: how it robs men and women of their values and leads them down a path of non-stop fear, loneliness, and eventual spiritual, emotional, and physical bankruptcy. 

We have seen firsthand the harm it causes an individual, a family; the chaos, anxiety, fear, resentment, and pain it creates.  The endless stress of overwhelming financial burdens and the sadness surrounding the neglect of loved ones’ many needs. Although addiction is a disease of isolation, you are now not alone.


Welcome to Recovery

Nestled within the beautiful setting of the Tully Valley in upstate New York, Tully Hill stands as a safe haven on 33 acres of peaceful seclusion. Our serene atmosphere fashioned by the open, tranquil countryside is a vital ingredient of recovery from addiction and its destructive consequences.

Tully Hill

At Tully Hill, recovery happens every day, 365 days a year.

Since 1990, we have treated over 18,000 men and women and their families.

We’ve become known and respected state and nationwide for treating all populations of patients, including uniform and other professionals in highly accountable, stressful positions responsible for the welfare of the individuals and communities they serve.

With some 225 years of sobriety themselves, our staff intuitively treat patients and families with respect and dignity. Complete, compassionate care is given to each patient and family we are honored to meet and help recover.

At Tully Hill, damaged relationships are restored as families and their loved ones in treatment come together. They learn all about addiction, process their outstanding issues, and discover healthy ways of managing their individual and collective lives.

Tully Hill is where patients will feel safe and they and their families will experience hope.

We’re Committed to Patients and Families

Addiction is a family disease. We are dedicated to treating our patients and their families and helping them understand the nature of addiction. We evaluate, admit, and treat patients age 16 and older.  Our pre-admission services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and we routinely schedule patient evaluations and admissions  Monday through Friday.  See the Treatment tab on our site menu, for more information about the services and programs that we provide.   

Treatment at Tully Hill means healing the mind, the body, and the soul. Our holistic approach to recovery emphasizes education as we help patients learn new coping methods, sober living skills, and how to create and keep sober support systems.

More than anything, we are committed to helping patients and families live sober, productive, happy lives, free of addiction and its aftermath.

In welcoming all who suffer from addiction, know that that commitment is and always will be our number one treatment and recovery goal.


To provide appropriate, cost effective care of the highest quality to persons with substance use disorder and their families to achieve and maintain sobriety.



We will be a local, statewide, and nationally recognized, financially independent, premier treatment facility with a highly trained professional staff, using the latest in research and technology to provide an appropriate continuum of care to persons and their families suffering from the disease of substance use disorder.


❖ Patient and Family Centered Care 

Compassion and Hope 

Honesty and Integrity 

Dignity and Respect

Safety and Security 
