Rehabilitation Therapies

Tully Hill provides group therapy and individual counseling

in both its Inpatient and Outpatient services and programs.  These core elements of our rehabilitation programming are directed by our clinical case management staff of master- and advance-level credentialed alcohol and substance abuse counselors (CASACs) and licensed, Master’s Degree-level social workers.


Group Therapy

At Tully Hill, we embrace the therapeutic group process and gear our efforts towards providing initial intensive treatment and preparing patients to return to appropriate community-based aftercare and settings.


Our group therapies help restore patients’ trust and confidence in a safe, constructive setting.  Patients learn to express their issues, struggles, and problems and in doing so, to accept multiple patient feedback, perspectives, and critiques and grow emotionally.  Communication and socialization skills and the development of self-awareness also are important goals of our group therapeutic process. Some of our group therapies and their objectives include:

Disease Concept


Lectures, Q and A, workbooks, films, used to educate our patients about substance use disorders as bio-psychosocial diseases.

Relapse Prevention


Primary objective: to prevent relapse before it occurs.

The 12-Step group


Sessions addressing the 12-Step philosophy, what it means to experience spirituality in sobriety via the steps, and their role in staying sober.

Wellness group


To treat withdrawal symptoms and or reduce stress, patients are taught and practice meditation and guided imagery. 

Life Story / Peer Evaluation


Patients tell their stories (“what happened, what it was like, and what it’s like now”) to peers in a group setting and receive valuable feedback from them.

Life/Recovery Skills


Learning how to live without using mind/mood-altering substances.



Certain issues are only comfortable for patients to discuss with their own gender, making group therapies for specific genders-only essential for effective care.

Recreational / Vocational


Our recreational therapist helps patients identify new interests and reawaken old/lost skills, hobbies, talents, and gifts lost to addiction.

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Individual Counseling

Programing at Tully Hill also incorporates individual counseling in the treatment and care of patients. Our skilled, professional staff work one-on-one with individual patients and focus their efforts on reducing and stopping substance use, skill building, adherence to a recovery plan, and oversight of group therapy outcomes. Staff and patients quickly establish a therapeutic alliance that expedites and facilitates the individualization of patients’ treatment plans.

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