
Tully Hill Anniversary

Why Give?

Tully Hill saves lives.

When you donate to Tully Hill, you also save lives.

Your donation helps ensure that successful treatment and recovery continues to happen, that patients recover from life-threatening substance use disorders and families and loved ones are again made whole.

Giving to Tully Hill means the continuation of individualized treatment and oversight of patients.  Of twenty-four-hour-a-day medical care by MDs, NPs, and RNs.  Of unique, rigorous programming including specialty programs for uniformed professionals and professionals.  Of aftercare planning and collaboration that starts the very first day of treatment.  And of treatment outcomes that far exceed the norm.

Price: $ 100.00

Give $100

Price: $ 250.00

Give $250

Price: $ 500.00

Give $500


Other Amount

With your gift, together we’ll be able to:

❖ Continue to specialize in substance use disorder treatment and care
❖ Tailor services and programs to meet each and every patient’s many needs
❖ Ensure that we keep providing that same dedicated attention and care to patients’ family members and loved ones
❖ Help guarantee that we maintain our high standards of medical and clinical excellence


Most importantly, by donating you will help Tully Hill remain the only free-standing treatment and recovery center in NY State, known for its quality and diverse menu of services and programs.

“I am very happy with Tully Hill and so is my husband. He was impressed with the care there and atmosphere. The counselors were good, the food was good, a lot of positive vibes. The work he did and was motivated to do in recovery was amazing. A lot of hard work that will get him started on his after care plan when he gets home.” – T.H. Family Member
Your contribution will make you a real, living part of part of each and every patient’s, family member’s, and loved one’s gratitude for a sober, healthy, productive life. It will support our pledge to endure and excel as well as offset the challenges of stagnant and declining payer reimbursements and always rising organizational costs.
“This place is the best rehab I’ve been to. The way a community of [people suffering from alcohol or drug abuse] can be put together and can bring each other such positivity is amazing and how the staff can bring such kindness and understanding and willingness to help each of us out is amazing. I never felt like an alcoholic or addict, I felt like a human being with an illness and wasn’t treated any different than anybody else. Tully Hill has been an amazing experience thank you all for everything.” – C. N. 
Price: $ 15.00

Oh The Places Youll Go

Become Part of a Tradition

One of our beloved traditions at Tully Hill is to give the Dr. Seuss book Oh The Places You’ll Go to patients who graduate from our Outpatient program. By donating this book you become a special part of someone’s recovery journey. Happy holidays!


Price: $ 15.00

Donate Oh The Places You'll Go


Your Donation will go to the Tully Hill Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation founded in 1992 that is exempt from federal taxation. The purpose of the Foundation is to raise funds exclusively for the Tully Hill Corporation, also a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit entity exempt from federal taxation doing business as Tully Hill Treatment and Recovery.

“I think you have a wonderful staff and facility. First class all the way around. [The staff] truly care about Tully Hill and the community and it showed every day. I would not feel the way I feel inside today if it were not for their hearts and effort. I can’t wait to return to visit when COVID is gone. Thank you for helping me when I needed it the most.” – B. L.
Your Donation will go to the Tully Hill Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation founded in 1992 that is exempt from federal taxation. The purpose of the Foundation is to raise funds exclusively for the Tully Hill Corporation, also a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit entity exempt from federal taxation doing business as Tully Hill Treatment and Recovery.


How Do I Give?

Giving to Tully Hill is easy. Make your donation payable to:

The Tully Hill Foundation
and send to the attention of:

Cathy L. Palm, Executive Director

Tully Hill, P.O. Box 1116,

Tully, NY 13159

To protect the privacy and anonymity of our patients, all images on this page are for illustration purposes only and do not depict actual patients.