What To Bring


ALL over-the-counter and prescription medications in original containers, DO NOT BRING ANY prescribed (or otherwise) controlled substances – continued use of a prescribed, controlled substance after admission is up to the medical director and staff.


  • Insurance card, prescription drug card, patient Soc. Sec. number, current Driver’s License or an alternative Photo ID
  • $30 in cash – personal checks not accepted
  • Disability benefit information if you are eligible
No outside food or beverages No outside food or beverages
No cameras of any description and/or tape recorders No cameras of any description and/or tape recorders
No tobacco products, lighters, matches No tobacco products, lighters, matches
No outside reading material No outside reading material
No alcohol or drugs No alcohol or drugs

Dignity and respect characterize treatment at Tully Hill. We expect your clothing and personal hygiene will communicate those values to the treatment community. Appropriateness of all dress and accessories is subject to the discretion of staff. Please only bring 5-7 days of casual, comfortable appropriate clothing.* Washers, dryers, laundry detergent, and ironing boards are available to patients.

Patients also need to bring:

•Shirt, tie, jacket, slacks for men and dresses/blouse-sweater-slacks for Tully Hill’s Saturday evening special occasion meetings
•Personal toiletries must be new and unopened, in original containers
•Stationery, envelopes, stamps, addresses, phone numbers for family/friends
•ALL over-the-counter and prescription medications in original containers, DO NOT BRING ANY prescribed (or otherwise) controlled substances – continued use of a prescribed, controlled substance after admission is up to the medical director and staff.
•Insurance card, prescription drug card, patient Soc. Sec. number, current Driver’s License or an alternative Photo ID
•Names, phone numbers, addresses of persons we will need to communicate with including primary care doctor, all other medical providers, attorneys, EAPs, employers, referring agent
•$30 in cash – personal checks not accepted (cash kept in an account for you to buy items – $30 is the maximum we hold for patients, patients encouraged to also bring credit card if possible, should they desire to spend more than $30).
•Disability benefit information, if you are eligible

*Patients are limited to bringing clothing for seven (7) days. Patients are limited to bringing 1 piece of luggage and 1 bag only. Belongings brought in excess of 7 days supply will be sent home at admission with whoever accompanies the patient.


Do Not Bring:

•Sexually explicit, spandex, or tight-fitting clothing
•Clothing that’s torn, tattered, has holes
•Clothing suggestive of drugs, alcohol, concerts/music
•“Hoodies” – hooded attire
•Hats are ONLY allowed for use outside
•Skorts or skirts shorter than mid-thigh
•Halter tops, sleeveless shirts/tops
•Alcohol-containing products (e.g., mouthwash, perfume, cologne)
•Sharp objects (e.g., scissors, pocket knives, needles, bottles, metal nail files)
•Hair clippers
•Aerosol cans (shaving cream allowed)
•Tobacco products (Tully Hill is tobacco-free and possession of tobacco and tobacco-related products is prohibited and reason for therapeutic discharge)
•Pillows (unless required medically, must bring MD verification of same), Blankets or Bedding of any kind
•Leisure reading material & Personal entertainment devices(NO magazines, cell phones, radios, DVD players, computers)
•Food, Gum or Candy
•Alarm Clocks


Excessive Items:

•Any other belongings in excess


Pets are not allowed at Tully Hill. This includes visitation days.