Privacy Policy/Accessibility Statement


While in treatment, your privacy is protected by strict state and federal regulations. No information can be given out to any individual without your written permission. Exceptions will be made for legal court orders, Child Protective Services, and circumstances requiring mandatory reporting. These same laws prohibit you from acknowledging other participants in the program to any outside sources including family members. During your orientation and then in your initial interview, your Case Manager will explain this in more detail. To ensure confidentiality, no cell phones, recorders, cameras, video camcorders or any other taping devices are allowed in the facility. All such electronic devices must be secured in patient’s luggage. Visitors must secure electronic devices in vehicles. Taking pictures and/or video on Tully Hill grounds or in the facility is prohibited. If you would like to gain access to your medical record, please discuss this with your Case Manager.



– Policy Summary –

It is the policy of Tully Hill to maintain the security and confidentiality of data and information. Patient and/or employee protected health information (PHI) will be regarded as confidential, and may not be used or disclosed except to authorized users for approved purposes. All patient care information in the medical records shall be regarded as confidential and available to authorized personnel only. This information cannot be released to individuals without written authorization of the patient, court-ordered subpoena, or by operation of the law.

It is the policy of Tully Hill to safeguard all patient related information from unauthorized access. Employees, physician contractors, and students may have access to the patient medical record information which directly relates to their job function without patient authorization, provided that they have signed a confidentiality statement.

Information on patients and employees is available through a number of sources at Tully Hill. Information can be found on the medical record, laboratory reports, appointment system, computer printouts, dictation, or patient care providers (physicians, nurses, etc.), finance records, and employee files. Gossip, careless remarks, or idle chatter in or out of Tully Hill about patients or employees violates a valued trust and the individual’s right to confidentiality. Records and reports will be protected and disposed of properly.



Tully Hill Treatment & Recovery is committed to providing equal access for all, including individuals with disabilities, to the substance use disorder treatment services, programs, and information available via its website,

In establishing accessibility, we have incorporated the following, affirmative accessibility measures into our website towards achieving compliance with Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) Level A Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG):

  • Our site has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for HTML and CSS
  • Our site displays correctly in current browsers and using standards HTML/CSS code compliant ensures correct future browser display
  • Our site is completely keyboard-friendly
  • All our site content is easily accessible
  • Alt Text has been added to all images on our site
  • Our site communicates all necessary information without dependency on color
  • Headers have been used to correctly structure site content
  • All site forms have been designed for accessibility
  • The site enables resizable text that will not break the site
  • All site content has been created/will be modified with accessibility in mind

Tully Hill will continually seek and implement measures to maintain compliance with WCAG accessibility guidelines.  In doing so and also to enhance accessibility, we have taken and will be taking these additional steps:

  • Development of a Tully Hill accessibility policy and plan
  • Standardization of accessibility training for all pertinent staff
  • Continual review of website and site mobile applications by internal Tully Hill staff in conjunction with Tully Hill third party website vendor
  • Modification of same if review determines WCAG guidelines are not being met
  • Providing telephone and email support linked to website access and use

Please Let Us Know

We have worked diligently to create a website for Tully Hill that fulfils the accessibility directives set forth by Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) Level A Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.  We encourage anyone experiencing difficulty in accessing can contact us at 315-696-6114, extension 135 or email

Additional web accessibility resources may be found at:

Technical Specifications

Accessibility of relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Effective May 28 , 2019