Tips for Staying Sober for the Holidays

Paul Marron
Paul Marron
November 7, 2019

The holidays can be a stressful time for many people, but especially those who are new to recovery. As the chaos of the season ensues don’t lose sight of your goal: sobriety. At Tully Hill We know and understand what substance use disorders do to individuals and their families, which is why we encourage anyone early in recovery to be proactive and prepared. Here are five steps to take to help manage stress and maintain sobriety throughout the holidays.

  1. Talk to your friends and family

It’s no secret that family involvement in recovery is one of the keys to staying sober.  Having family and friends as allies and asking for help when you are struggling will help everyone maintain trust.

  1. Attend sober community events

Your sober support system is another key to success. Draw strength and inspiration from peers who have been in recovery for an extended period of time. They will be able to give you their experience and help resolve any challenges you may be having.

  1. Be proactive and have an exit strategy

If you are feeling uncomfortable at an event always have an exit strategy that allows you to remove yourself from the situation.

  1. Set boundaries

Stress is a common cause of relapse. Dealing with difficult situations that involve family, relationships, or daily life tasks and obligations can cause unnecessary stress. Try setting boundaries with your loved ones this holiday season to reduce stress and brainstorm constructive ways to deal with stressful circumstances. This will help you feel good about saying “no” to temptation.

  1. Be kind to yourself

If you are new to recovery be patient with yourself. Take some time to relax this holiday season and keep healthy coping skills like exercise, yoga, or any aftercare therapy sessions you have scheduled. Also remember to be honest with yourself and recognize your limits. Do not put yourself in situations that will compromise your sobriety.


Remember to take every day one day at a time. Recovery is a life-long journey during which you will do lots of learning and growing. Learning how to cope with the Holiday season is one of many important life lessons. If you are experiencing difficulties this holiday season, know that help is available.  Professional treatment facilities like Tully Hill Treatment & Recovery will assist you in every way they can, to help you thrive in recovery.

Paul Marron

Director of Business Development

Paul Marron, Director of Business Development, joined Tully Hill Chemical Dependency Treatment Center in July 2012. Mr. Marron graduated Magna Cum Laude from both Saint Bonaventure University with a BA, History/Pre-Law and Boston University with his MS, Public Relations. He worked most recently at Central New York Eye & Tissue Bank where he served as their Director of Business Development. He has extensive experience in healthcare administration, contracting, marketing and development in Central New York.