Congratulations to all Tully Hill alumni on the accomplishment of your goal. Completing treatment and rehabilitation is a wonderful achievement worthy of pride and praise. The commitment, hard work, and persistence you have exhibited are testimony to the fact that recovery is possible. Your achievements will encourage countless others to take the very difficult first step towards following in your footsteps to a sober, happy, full life.

Dedication to the community, building sobriety networks, and a commitment to helping others achieve healthy, happy lives has been, is, and will always be an important part of our mission at Tully Hill. What better way to stay connected, involved, sober…and help others maintain and achieve sobriety than by joining the Tully Hill Alumni Association?


Grey End Quote

“Folks in recovery look for and help build networks. Can’t stay sober without ‘em. It’s how I stayed sober, through the Tully Hill network of recovering people. I found out who they were, joined in with them, learned from them, and became life-long friends with them. Most important of all, I learned how to help others recover” – GD, recovering alcoholic and Tully Hill alumnus

Our alumni are dedicated to recovery and sobriety:

❖ They start support groups where they work and live
❖ They act as recovery contacts and temporary sponsors for newly recovering people (often ending up as permanent ones!), sharing their experience, strength, and hope with them
❖ They take people new in recovery to 12-step meetings and introduce them to 12-step groups and communities
❖ They advocate for recovery in general and help overcome the stigmas attached to addiction
❖ They hold alumni events that support recovery and help spread its timeless messages of hope and freedom from addiction
❖ They make donations to Tully Hill and help ensure its long-term viability

Family of five on yard


Grey End Quote

“Ya’ gotta’ give it away to keep it. Helping others is the only way I’ve stayed sober all these years, and getting hooked up with other folks who also went to Tully Hill has been the foundation for doing that.” – MD, recovering alcoholic/addict, TH alumnus

Recovery and sobriety are a gift. One of the benefits of joining our alumni association and its network of recovering individuals is the opportunity to give these gifts to others. Become a community contact for people just leaving treatment and new to recovery and help others learn how to stay sober.

Without a supportive, respectful, safe community to rely on, maintaining sobriety can be lonely and difficult. By joining the Tully Hill alumni community you can help fight to end addiction stigmas. Lend your voice and strengthen their message of compassion and hope, honesty and integrity, dignity and respect, safety, security and passion.


Grey End Quote

“No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.” – Author Unknown

Four Men Golfing

It’s no secret that Tully Hill alumni are key to Tully Hill continuing to grow and to carrying our message of hope and healing. Join the Tully Hill Alumni Association today; support recovery and help others start on their path to becoming happy, joyous, and free.

The Alumni Association holds a meeting on the first Sunday of each month at 10 am.  We discuss topics specific to Tully Hill alumni, plan upcoming events, and work to continue our efforts to sustain and reinforce the message of recovery.

Stay in Touch!

Recovery is a life-long commitment. You are not alone on this journey. There is a community of sober, connected, and involved peers waiting to help you grow and assist others. Welcome to the Tully Hill Alumni Association.

To get involved in our association and alumni activities, contact:

Paul Marron at Tully Hill
