Inpatient Levels of Care

Detox at Tully Hill

Detox at Tully Hill


Detoxification (‘detox’) at Tully Hill is a medically supervised process that safely and effectively manages patients’ withdrawals from alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates/opioids, and other intoxicating substances.

Our medically supervised detoxification service (‘detox’) is an integral component of our Inpatient addiction treatment and care (we do not offer detox as a separate, stand-alone provision of care). At Tully Hill we employ detox mostly, but not solely, in treating the following addictions:

Alcohol – withdrawal from alcohol abuse and dependence often features extreme anxiety and panic attacks and can cause other symptoms such as seizures, hallucinations, and paranoia. Professional medical oversight is essential, given the severe – and in many cases dangerous and unpredictable – physical symptoms that usually accompany this withdrawal.
Pill Bottle
Benzodiazepines – often prescribed to treat anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks, these central nervous system drugs are extremely habit-forming. Withdrawal often includes what’s called ‘rebound’ anxiety, extreme irritability, and depression. Seizures also can occur during this withdrawal. As with alcohol abuse and dependence withdrawal, ongoing medical supervision and 24/7 medical care are necessary during detoxification from these substances, which most often include Valium, Xanax, Ativan, and Klonopin.
Green Pill
Opiates and Opioids – although withdrawal from opiate/opioid substance use disorders is often not as dangerous as withdrawal from alcohol and benzodiazepines, the detox process still requires medical supervision and monitoring. Extreme physical discomfort often accompanies this withdrawal as well as several psychological symptoms, including intense mood swings and even suicidal ideation. Without effective medical supervision and subsequent rehabilitation including aftercare, relapse frequently occurs. Opiates/opioids we provide detox services for include Heroin, Morphine, Oxycontin, Opana, Dilaudid, and Demerol.
Medically Supervised Detox
  • Patients are assessed and stabilized medically.
  • Round-the-clock medical care and attention directed by Medical Director, Nurse Practitioners (NP), and RNs.
  • Detoxification modalities include medication, education, therapeutic activities, meditation, and guided imagery.

Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient Rehabilitation

Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient Rehabilitation at Tully Hill

Inpatient Rehabilitation (‘rehab’) at Tully Hill is a vital component for achieving and maintaining sobriety.  At Tully Hill, patients are admitted to this medically monitored, rigorous level of care after completing treatment in our detox service or admitted directly if they lack acute withdrawal symptoms.

Our rehab programs and services take place in a highly structured environment free of distractions and stressors.  Our nearly 30 years of treatment experience has shown that this environment is ideal for maximizing treatment and recovery.  Adherence to our 13-hour daily regimen of educational and therapeutic group and individual treatment sessions is vital for sustained patient stabilization and clinical progress.

Our professional medical and clinical staff collaborate in treatment planning and care throughout every rehab stay.  Treatment plans are individualized and modified as patients achieve their plan’s objectives and goals.

Objectives in rehab include:
  • gaining an understanding and acceptance of the disease concept of addiction
  • working through issues part and parcel to addiction, collectively and individually
  • learning coping and sober living skills
  • establishing and keeping sober support systems
  • understanding the importance of complying with aftercare

Our Family Program


also works with patients and their loved ones in rehab through to the time of discharge.  These efforts include patient-family conferences and Family Day, our all-day Friday program that educates families about addiction and emphasizes the importance of patient support after discharge.

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Discharge Day & Time

Tully Hill requests that patients be picked up promptly at 8:00 a.m. on the day of discharge