MAT at Tully Hill: Our Use and Perspective

Dr. Gregory Serfer
Dr. Gregory Serfer
April 8, 2019

Overcoming substance use disorder is difficult and requires ongoing commitment.

Helping and supporting patients to be recovery-focused is our goal for everyone we evaluate, admit and treat. We work every day to help patients recover to achieve sobriety, as safely and as quickly as possible.

To that end, Tully Hill supports the use of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) as it is intended, i.e., as a component of the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment process.

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) 

MAT is the use of FDA-approved medications, in combination with behavioral therapy and counseling to provide a comprehensive approach to the treatment of SUDs. As stated, MAT is thus meant to be part of the overall treatment process but not just as a process in and of itself.

Our goal using MAT is to increase the success of SUD treatment and care by preventing the true physical dangers of withdrawal, mitigating withdrawal symptoms, accelerating the normalization of neurophysiology, and aiding emotional stability.

MAT should be used, as its name states, to assist in treatment.  At Tully Hill MAT is used as a medical intervention, whenever it is deemed appropriate to do so.  It is important to know that we customize MAT to the individual patient, and implement it as a collaboration between the patient and our medical and clinical staff, to achieve patient-centered care goals.

Factors to be considered using MAT include, but are not limited to:

❖ Specific substances of abuse
❖ Amounts of such substances abused
❖ Length of time of abuse
❖ Route of administration (IV, ingestion, etc.)
❖ Withdrawal history
❖ Relapse history
❖ Comorbidities
❖ Social supports

Our application of MAT for each individual patient includes ongoing assessments and flexibility which are necessary elements of effective MAT.   We base alterations in Medication Assisted Treatment plans on individual patient response that in turn depends heavily on objective findings and not subjective complaints.

Thank you for recognizing and understanding our use and perspective of MAT. We look forward to continuing to work with you, mutually treating and caring for patients and their families.

Dr. Gregory Serfer

Medical Director

Dr. Gregory Serfer became the Medical Director of Tully Hill Chemical Dependency Treatment Center in July 2018. Dr. Serfer obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Psychobiology from the University of Miami and his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Serfer was previously employed at Auburn Community Hospital as Director of Substance Use Disorder Services. Dr. Serfer also serves as Medical Officer for the National Disaster Medical System for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.