Post-Discharge Survey

Treatment outcomes achieved by patients in medically supervised Detox and Inpatient Rehabilitation say a lot about the quality of services, programming, and care provided during an Inpatient stay. That’s why Tully Hill reports and will keep reporting Inpatient treatment outcomes each quarter. We think it’s important to share how well we’re doing treating and caring for our patients while in Inpatient.

As important, if not more so, is information gathered about patients we’ve treated and cared for after they’ve completed treatment, and have returned to their homes and jobs and careers.  Have they remained safe, healthy, and productive and perhaps most important of all, sober and drug-free?

As with Inpatient outcomes, we think it’s important to let everyone know just how well patients are faring after leaving their Inpatient environment.  That’s why we’ve also been reporting our discharged patients’ statuses every quarter on our Post-Treatment Outcomes page.


people with a lightbulb


To improve even more the volume and value of this very important post-treatment outcome data, Tully Hill is transitioning to an entirely new post-discharge survey in collaboration with six other high quality treatment centers. And we’ll keep reporting this data quarterly*, on our website.

Calling ourselves the SUD Treatment Outcome Network, we and our six sister treatment facilities** are undertaking a two-step process upon which we’re basing the new survey. The first step involves creating at discharge with patient consent a patient demographic record, the second reports out such components as the level of care at discharge, the number of days in each level of care, the type of discharge, payer type, and primary diagnostic category.

Our network’s system will then automatically send a text message to each consenting, discharged patient on the 30th day after discharge, prompting them to take the survey and telling them how. That same process will be repeated on consenting patients’ 60th day, 90th day, and six, nine, and 12-month periods after post-discharge.



We’re as excited to be able to get this information ourselves as we are to continue providing it to you. Knowing such things as whether patients are continuing in recommended aftercare; are attending recovery support meetings; if they have or haven’t refrained from using alcohol or other drugs; if they are taking any prescribed medications in support of their recovery; and if they’ve had any hospital or ER visits or legal incidents and can report their employment status, will indicate the effectiveness and durability of the treatment we provided.



*First report will convey survey results of the first half of 2021, will transition to quarterly reports for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021 and for each quarter thereafter 

**Seabrook, Cumberland Heights, Fellowship Hall, Pavilion Treatment Center, High Watch Recovery Center, LivenGrin treatment facilities