Post-Discharge survey results 1/1/20 through 12/31/20*
To improve even more the volume and value of this very important post-treatment outcome data, Tully Hill in2020 has transitioned to an entirely new post-discharge survey in collaboration with six other high quality treatment centers. Calling ourselves the SUD Treatment Outcome Network, we and our six sister treatment facilities undertake a two-step process upon which we’re basing the new survey.
The first step involves creating at discharge with patient consent a patient demographic record, the second reports out such components as the level of care at discharge, the number of days in each level of care, the type of discharge, payer type, and primary diagnostic category.
Our network’s system will then automatically send a text message to each consenting, discharged patient on the 30th day after discharge, prompting them to take the survey and telling them how. That same process will be repeated on consenting patients’ 60th day, 90th day, and six, nine, and 12-month periods after post-discharge.
Applicable to 314 post-discharge patients eligible to participate in our survey, a total of 164 surveys were completed, resulting in a completion rate of 52%. Our updated survey includes reporting on such outcomes as patients’ primary diagnoses while in treatment; outpatient services currently being accessed and medications being used to support post-discharge recovery; employment status; and alcohol/other drug use, hospital/ER visits, and law enforcement incidents since 30 days after discharge.
Our subsequent quarterly results also will report on patients’ quality of life since discharge from Tully Hill, any tobacco use, their participation in a 12-Step program, and their compliance with Tully Hill’s clinical and medical aftercare recommendations.
Post-discharge patients eligible
to participate
# of eligible Post-Discharge patients
who completed survey
Survey completion rate
Primary Diagnosis
Alcohol 79% Opioid 10% Stimulant 8%
Sedative-Hypnotic-Anxiolytic 2% Other 1%
(343 of 353 total patients)
Services Currently Utilized
44% Outpatient (< 9 hours per week)
14% Intensive Outpatient (9-20 hours per week)
(160 respondents)
Medication Taken to Assist Recovery
None 44% Naltrexone (Vivitrol injection) 5%
Naltrexone (ReVia pill) 33% Buprenorphine (Suboxone film) 4%
Medication not listed 14%
(168 respondents)
Employment Status (158 respondents)
70% Employed Full Time
8% Employed Part Time
Attended Aftercare Treatment Recommended by Tully Hill
(78 respondents – 1/1/20 – 12/31/20 data)
72% Yes
Complied with Medical Recommendations Post-Discharge
(78 respondents – 1/1/20 – 12/31/20 data)
91% Yes (attended appointments, tests taken, taken medication)
*post-discharge survey data applicable to patient status at 30 days since discharge